Ramadhan 2024

Reading Arabic Course for Begineers 2024

Reading Arabic Course for Beginners 2024
Assalāmu 'alaykum warahmatullāhi wabarakātuhu.!

Reading Arabic Course
Unlock Your Arabic Language

About the Class

We are thrilled to announce an empowering opportunity for Muslim students and youth – our upcoming Qur’anic Literacy Class!

Join us on a journey to empower the next generation with comprehensive Qur’anic literacy skills. Our goals extend beyond education in Madrasah, aiming to foster spiritual growth, strengthen cultural and religious identity, promote unity, and facilitate lifelong learning within accessible environments.

Friday & Sunday 7:30 PM-9:30 PM

Special Focus on Ramadan Preparation

Our curriculum ensures that students are fully prepared to meaningfully engage with the Qur'an during the holy month of Ramadan. Let's make this Ramadan a spiritually enriching experience together!

We believe in creating an inclusive environment for all. Our classes are designed to be accessible, ensuring every student can benefit from this valuable knowledge.

Why Join?

May Allah bless this initiative and make it a source of beneficial knowledge for all participants. We seek Allah’s guidance and mercy as we embark on this journey together.

Du'a for Beneficial Knowledge

"Rabbi Zidni Ilma" (O Allah, increase my knowledge).


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