We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed PUCOI brothers, Shaykh Aquil H Hadji Manan and Shaykh Al-sheidick Lagradilla Kasim, on their remarkable achievement in passing the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Examination!
PUCOI Brothers Pass the 2024 Shari’ah Bar Examination!
Your dedication, hard work, and profound understanding of Islamic law have borne fruit. This accomplishment not only brings honor to yourselves but also to our entire PUCOI community. You have demonstrated excellence in a field that is crucial for upholding justice and serving our Muslim ummah.
May Allah (SWT) bless you both with continued success in your careers as Shari’ah lawyers. Your achievement inspires us all and reinforces the importance of education and perseverance in our faith.
We look forward to seeing how you will use this knowledge to benefit our community and uphold the principles of Islamic law. Once again, congratulations on this significant milestone!